Exposing our Personal Data

Albert Topdjian
2 min readNov 14, 2016

Mapping the links between information privacy and our daily lives.

The ecosystem in which our personal data is shared exists between Users, Government, and Corporations. What connects us together are all the devices and services we use created and distributed from the main three human action points (Users, Government, and Corporations). And what allows our devices and services to communicate (and thus share our personal data) are the various different signal communication streams such as internet routers, satellites, and cell towers.

Mapping out the links between all of these factors, we can begin to understand the flow of information and reasoning between each connection. In the map above, the blank red sticky notes represent threat areas. Or areas where privacy can be compromised. The bottom right groups of red and yellow stickies document the different kinds of threats and what they can cause if used in the system.

What is interesting to note (as mentioned in previous writing), is the distinction between voluntary and involuntary release of personal data, as well as what defines lack of privacy. Is it that our data is unprotected form these possible threats? Or is it that the mere release of our data by nature, forgoes our control and right of use?

Speak Lab_11.13.16

